

二十多年了, the 马萨诸塞州历史学会 has been offering scholarly conferences on a wide variety of topics. 的se have ranged from the libraries of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, 以先验论, 内战前波士顿的商界, 这个城市的环境历史, 以及最近移民到美国的人.S.

演讲者来自美国各地.S. 都是各自领域的顶尖学者. 经常, conferences culminate in a publication of essays that are drawn from the program and represent a lasting contribution to historical scholarship. 过去的会议包括:


2022 Conference: Underrepresented Voices of the American Revolution

2022年7月14 - 16日

查看下面的会议计划或 下载PDF.




近几十年来, scholars have unearthed and revived stories of a diverse and wide-ranging cast of characters who lived through America’s political formation. This much-needed corrective has unraveled a traditional narrative of wealthy white male revolutionaries rebelling against a white male dominated imperial government. 的 lead up to the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence offers an opportunity to highlight and share the latest scholarship on the topic of underrepresented voices of the American Revolution whether that be from the perspective of Native Americans, 女性, 非裔美国人, 支持者, 少数民族和宗教少数派, 孩子们, or neutrals in a global war that put the question of representation at its core. This conference will bring together scholars to explore the broad themes associated with historic individuals or groups not traditionally considered in discussing the American Revolutionary Era.

的 conference and workshop will take place at Suffolk University and the 马萨诸塞州历史学会 in Boston on 14-16 July 2022. 的 panels and presentations will take place on 14-15 July with the teacher workshop on 16 July. 请看下面的学术小组阵容.


K-12 Teacher Workshop: Examining 18th-Century Understandings of Citizenship, 自由, 以及通过霍尔王子的生活和遗产进行展示

仍可注册! Register to attend the Teacher Workshop (which includes access to Day 1 and Day 2 events) 在这里.

K-12 educators are invited to attend the conference and a day-long teacher workshop on Saturday, 7月16日, 由主讲人教授主持. Chernoh Sesay,大师教师和MHS教育人员.

Workshop participants will attend their choice of four conference sessions on July 14th-15th. 16号星期六, scholars and K-12 educators will gather for an informal discussion that bridges themes that emerged during the conference and the content of the teacher workshop that to follow. 充分利用学者和教师的专业知识, 我们将从会议中找出重要的收获, reflect on the accessibility of current scholarship for the K-12 classroom, and discuss best practices for introducing the major themes of the conference to our students. 帕特里克·奥布莱恩(肯尼索州立大学), 一位学者和前K-12教师, 会促进这一重要讨论吗. 早餐将会供应.

的 sessions to follow include: (1) a presentation of key primary sources by Prof. Sesay; (2) a presentation by master teachers from Grade 5 and high school of instructional materials they have developed centered on primary sources from MHS collections; and (3) opportunities for participants to develop their own materials in collaboration with fellow educators and scholars.

Educators will have the opportunity to earn either 45 PDPs or 2 graduate credits (for an additional fee). Requirements for credit include attending 4+ conference sessions on July 14th and 15th (点击此处查看会议时间表), the 7月16日 teacher workshop, and completing program coursework. 参加这个研讨会的仅限于K-12教育工作者. 参加这个研讨会的仅限于K-12教育工作者.



虚拟2020康拉德E. 莱特研究会议

“Shall Not Be Denied”: 的 15th and 19th Amendments at the Sesquicentennial and Centennial of their Ratifications, 10月12日至16日, 2020

查看下面的会议计划或 下载PDF:

由于持续的公共卫生问题, the 马萨诸塞州历史学会 has altered its original plan for an in-person conference in October 2020. 而不是开两天的会, 我们将在周一之间在线主持会议小组讨论, 10月12日及星期五, 2020年10月16日. 的 originally scheduled keynote panel will be postponed until it is safe to hold the event in person at the MHS.

的 year 2020 marks the anniversaries of two critical amendments to the United States Constitution. 相隔50年, 第十五和第十九修正案, 1870年和1920年批准, 分别, prohibited the use of race or sex to deny American citizens the franchise. However, the amendments did not prevent states from adopting other methods of discrimination. Viewed as the product of two different movements—abolitionism and the Civil War on the one hand and the Progressive campaigns and the First World War on the other—these two periods and amendments are not often considered together. This conference revisits the long journey to secure voting rights for 非裔美国人 and 女性 in United States history. It considers the legal precedents and hurdles that each amendment faced, 每一个的意义和不平衡的结果, 允许最终批准的社会背景, the role of key individuals and groups in these respective contexts, 以及每项修正案是如何随着时间的推移而被铭记的.

在晚些时候,一个主题小组将邀请特邀教授. 艾莉森·米. Parker (University of Delaware) and Lisa Tetrault (Carnegie Mellon University) and will be moderated by Prof. 亚历克斯·凯萨(哈佛大学).



"'So Sudden an Alteration': 的 Causes, Course, and Consequences of the American Revolution" (2015)

Massachusetts and the Civil War: 的 Commonwealth and National Disunion (2013)

美国新移民有什么新动向.S.? 1965年以来的传统与变革(2011年)


John Adams and Thomas Jefferson: Libraries, Leadership, and Legacy (2009)

I-CHORA 3: International Conference on the History of Records and Archives (2007)

Power and Protest: 的 Civil Rights Movement in Boston, 1960-1968 (2006)

Remaking Boston: 的 City and Environmental Change Over the Centuries (2006)

妇女,战争,工作:美国妇女和美国.S. 《og体育官网》(2004)


有关早期会议计划的信息, 请og体育官网Cassandra Cloutier, 研究协调员, 电话:617-646-0577或 ccloutier@dh865.com.

